SSH Login Without Password

Login to a remote server with ssh without typing a password.


A ssh client and ssh keygenerator In this case I use Putty. Download putty.exe and puttygen.exe.

Generate the keys

Launch puttygen.exe to generate the ssh-keys.


Set the parameters and press Generate.


You can add a comment to your keyfile in the key comment field I didn’t enter a key passphrase because i won’t type anything after login

 Now save your private and public keys example: my-private-key.ppk and my-public-key.ppk


Copy the generated public key to the clipboard


Login to your remote server


# cd ~/.ssh open the file: authorized_keys and paste the key to it.

The directory .ssh and your authorized_keys file must have chmod 0600 !


Configure Putty to use the key

start putty.exe In connection/Data you can enter the username (e.g. root)

in Connection/SSH/Auth you can enter the path and filename to your private key


go to Session , enter the Hostname/IP-Adress enter a sessionname (Saved sessions) and press the Save Button.

Now you can login by double-click to the saved session name.


Download PuTTY: latest release


‘2014-01-07 13:41:49’, ‘SSH Login Without Password 

SSH Login ohne Passwort

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